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Process Tune-Up
How long has it been since you installed or upgraded your ERP or CRM? If the answer is 18 months or longer, you have probably wondered why you aren’t getting all the benefits you expected. Studies show most companies get less than 50% of the benefits originally anticipated.
Our methodology for tuning up your business processes drives out inefficiencies and builds in profitability!
CIO onDemand can help

What you get:
Experienced senior consultant asks the right questions and keeps things on track (faster time to return and less employee time)
Proprietary color-coded flowcharting system – speeds flowcharting and visually identifies inefficiencies (faster time to return and better improvements)
External viewpoint to see beyond what’s being done today (incorporates best practices for better improvements)
We can also teach your team our proprietary methodology (you get the results and reduced costs)

Sales order flow tune-up for 600 employee manufacturing company. Results included: order entry time reduced by 50%, saved 1 FTE, produced process maps for ERP selection and implementation.
New business process model for rapidly growing 150 employee high tech manufacturing company (ISO 9001-2008). Results included: fully integrated master process flow, streamlined operations from fully custom shop into fully configurable products, automated rev control and ECO, full set of ERP training materials for each position in the company.
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